Sunday, January 2, 2011

Where do you live in DC?

Hey Everyone!!!

Are you wondering where I will be living in Washington DC? I am living in the heart of the Capital --- 3 blocks from the actual Capitol Building!! It is a one bedroom apartment that I will be sharing with two other people. From here there is a metro station (DC Public Transportation) just a few blocks away and many restaurants and stores around. Here is a map that shows my location and a picture of the outside of the apartment, I live on the first floor :)

Keep sending your questions :) 

Stay honest and keep those around you honest
- Josh

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Introduction and First Day in DC

Hey Everyone!!

To give you a better intro then what you received before winter break, my name is Mr. Miranda and I am currently a sophomore at Saint Michael's College. Snow has covered the campus, finals are being taken, Christmas presents are being shared, which only means one thing....WINTER VACATION. This Winter Vaca, however, is very bittersweet. Next semester I will not return toSaint Michael's College, for I will be studying abroad in our nations capital, Washington DC. This year has been such a blessing at St. Mikes. I have really become the person who I always wanted to be. I look forward to what new adventures and new challenges lie ahead and how it will impact my life. 

Saint Michael's College is definitely one of the only places I would rather be if I were not at home. There is so much to do here and it is so easy to get involved. Currently I am a member of the Core team for Move (Mobilization of Volunteer Efforts), Coordinator of International Outreach Homework Club (a refugee homework help program), Coordinator and Founder of Autism Awareness Week, work withORIENTATION, and also participate in other on campus activities. I am an Elementary Ed and American Studies major with a Religious Studiesminor (double major + minor = crazy life :) ). My passion is working with kids and helping them succeed in anything they want to.  This year I began working at OLD NAVY and have quickly fallen in love with everything about, the work, the customers, and most importantly mycoworkers!!! I will truly miss life in Burlington!!

Today I arrived in the great city of Washington DC. Since I cannot move in until tomorrow, we explored a little and drove by my new apartment. It looks so nice (can't wait till I can see the inside). The picture below is of the outside of my apartment. What do you think? 

After leaving my apartment I walked the few blocks it takes to get to the Capitol Building and then walked to the amazing Union Station. This walk gave me the opportunity to see some restaurants, explore the local grocery store, and find some places to get  my dry-cleaning done and my hair cut. All in all it was a very successful trip!! I can't wait to move in tomorrow : D  : D!!

Christmas Tree in Union Station

So what am I doing in DC this semester? Well, like I stated in my first post, the Washington Semester Program is a combination of a seminar program, internship, and a research paper. My seminar will focus on everything American Politics. My internship....oh is with SENATOR SHELDON WHITEHOUSE!!!!!!!! I feel so privileged to be able to have this opportunity to work with such a great Senator from Rhode Island. As of right now, I am still thinking about a topic for my research paper...any ideas?? 

So how is this blog relevant to you? I have a few answers :)

  1. It is a great way to get to know me before I become a full time volunteer
  2. It is a great way to get a personal tour through Washington DC via pictures, video, and blogs 
  3. I  would love to answer your questions!!! Submit them as comments or enter them into my Formspring and I will do my best to answer every question!! The questions can be about civics, American History, my life in DC, my job with the senator, ask I answer. 
I hope you enjoy the journey over the next few months. 

Well until next time...stay honest and keep those around you honest!!

Mr. Miranda